

Guest Blogger: Gary Lee Parker

I cut my genes for you I cut myself to keep your love I trim the edges, rough to smooth I shape my soul to fit your glove

I Infect myself for you I change my mind to rise above my baser state, the more uncouth allotments, lop the riffraff of

my riffraff spirit’s residue I clip the wings of Eden’s dove I cut my genes for you, in truth I cut myself to keep your love

I lose myself for you I lose myself inside your need in your X-Acto blade demands For what I ought to be

Carefully I cut for you my garden’s code I strictly weed my garden’s code I prune by hand and burn the cheap debris

my unruly runners hewn I hew the gnarled knobs and seed my soul anew, each woven strand unzipped, I craft a better tree

I cut my genes for you I cut my soul to rise above I change myself, your fears to soothe I cut myself to keep your love evict myself to keep your love eject myself to keep a love you are unworthy of