MTA thanks Dorothy Deasy for her service



The Mormon Transhumanist Association thanks Dorothy Deasy for her service as Chief Humanitarian Officer. Dorothy served in this capacity from July 2015 through February 2017.

The Association engages in technologically-empowered humanitarian efforts as a reflection of its commitment to practical Christian discipleship and aspiration to exemplify the application of technology to cultivate human thriving. During Dorothy's period of service, the Association sponsored health clinics and schools in Africa, a Rosetta@Home team to donate spare computation to curing disease, and a Kiva lending team to provide microloans to persons in developing areas of the world. "Dor is an inspiring humanitarian," said Lincoln Cannon, founder and former president of the Association.

"She has been a constant advocate for the poor, raising awareness of the digital divide and the needs of persons too often marginalized within our human family. And she has worked with her full heart to identify ways of transforming that awareness into action. The Mormon Transhumanist Association has a broader and more compassionate vision because of Dor's service."

Blaire Ostler, CEO and board member, said, "Dor has been an impeccable member of the management team. Her talents and contributions have led the way toward more diverse outreach and inclusion. I am grateful not only for her service, but also for her example."

Dorothy continues to serve in her positions as board member and secretary of the board.