Love is love. Life is life.
In response to recent LDS Church policy changes related to children of LGBT parents, a kind and well-meaning friend commented on the outpouring of reactions.
She said, "I can’t help but think this is killing our Prophet."
Upon reading the words, I softly said to my monitor, "No, aging is killing our Prophet."
The last couple of days an internal monologue has been pacing through my mind, and I feel the need to share it.
Have we lost sight of our priorities? I believe my church has more pressing matters to address than the sexual relations of loving consenting adults.
Homosexuals are not the enemy. Death, hate, and fear are the enemy, and must be overcome with life and love. Will our species evolve beyond such wasteful antagonism, or will we stagnate in dogmatic expectation that only others must change?
Love is love. Life is life. Why do we keep trying to tell it what it is supposed to look like?
Aesthetics matter. I get it. I’m an artist and designer, and I’m fully aware of the power of aesthetics. In the design field we have a principle: form follows function. Acute awareness of aesthetics can be a substantial enhancement to the human experience, but if the aesthetics are in direct conflict with functionality, practicality supersedes aesthetics.
Today I question if my church is so focused on the aesthetics of the family unit, which are highly subjective, that they have lost sight of the purpose and function.
Transhumanism, to me, is the religion of life that is made meaningful through love. This is a product of my Christianity.
Using every technology at our disposal to preserve and create both love and life is the most purposeful objective I can currently imagine. This is a product of my Mormonism.
How else can we become like our Heavenly Parents if not through the vigorous advancement of life and love? How else will our species evolve into superintelligent posthumanity without embracing both life and love as our primary objectives?