# Dorothy Deasy Appointed Chief Humanitarian Officer of the Mormon Transhumanist Association



The Mormon Transhumanist Association is pleased to announce that it has appointed Dorothy Deasy to serve as Chief Humanitarian Officer. Dorothy will continue to serve in her positions as board member and secretary of the board. Humanitarian managers, Hank Pellissier and Roger Hansen, will also continue to serve in their positions.

The Association engages in humanitarian efforts for a variety of reasons. Partly it is because the projects reflect the motivations and passions of their respective project leaders, such Hank Pellissier's desire to help people in Uganda to reach their potential, Kathy Wilson's hope to ease the hardship of dalits in India, or Roger Hansen's work to bring joy to children growing up in poverty in Africa. The over-arching reason is that we are inspired by the idea of transfiguration and aspire to follow the example of Christ by reaching out with love.

Dorothy believes that transfiguration calls us both to traditional expressions of charity and to more. Her hope is that the Association will influence many to imagine the promise of transhuman advances and technology as an opportunity to provide greater access to those on the margins, and to position anticipation of the Technological Singularity as an urgent reason for work to ensure that all human potential matters.

The Mormon Transhumanist Association is eager to work with others on projects that enable people to participate in their own transformation and that of their communities for the better. We need your help, resources, passions, and projects. Join us to ensure emerging technologies are applied where and how they are most needed in our society, culture, and world.