Report on 2014 Humanitarian Activities


The Mormon Transhumanist Association (MTA) was extremely philanthropic in 2014. Members of MTA contributed generously to charity campaigns in Uganda that were conducted by Roger Hansen and Hank Pellissier, managers of MTA humanitarian projects.

Below is a list of sponsored campaigns with an estimate of MTA philanthropy in each:

Uganda Orphanage Chicken Farm - [] This campaign was extremely successful. In two months, $3,100 was raised to build a chicken farm of 200 chickens to help an orphanage in Jinja achieve self-sufficiency. MTA was the largest contributor to this campaign. MTA members donated about $1,100. The Chicken Farm appears headed for success - the chickens will be laying eggs in about 5 weeks.

Uganda Carpentry Workshop for AIDS Orphans - [] This successful campaign raised $1,073. It was almost entirely funded by MTA members; MTA members donated about $835. The money purchased tools for the carpenters. They are very grateful. Hank Pellissier is invited to give the commencement speech at their graduation ceremony on January 17th - he will thank MTA contributors in his presentation.

Kikoy Dresses for Uganda Orphans - [] This campaign raised $900 to give orphan girls dresses, tailored by Ugandans. MTA members donated about $250 to this campaign.

DeWorm Ugandan Children at Kasese Humanist Primary School - [] This very short campaign raised $2,675 in two days. MTA members contributed $130.

Uganda Computer Training School in Masaka - [] This project is praised by many as an “ideal MTA project” because it promotes education in technology as a path to prosperity. Roger Hansen initiated this project. MTA members contributed about $340 of the total $488 raised. Roger and other Mormons will be installing this school, beginning in January.

Swing Sets for Rural Uganda Orphanages and Schools -[] Another campaign initiated by Roger Hansen. MTA members contributed all $831 that this campaign raised. Roger will be installing swing sets in January. Hank hopes to help him.

TOTAL Mormon Transhumanist Association CONTRIBUTIONS to Uganda Campaigns: Approximately $3,486

Additionally, MTA KIVA members have lent $4,175 in KIVA microloans. []