Preliminary Schedule for the 2013 Conference of the Mormon Transhumanist Association
The Mormon Transhumanist Association is pleased to announce the preliminary schedule for our 2013 Conference, which will be held on 5 April 2013 from 9:00am to 5:45pm in Salt Lake City, Utah, in the level four conference room of the Salt Lake City Public Library. Speakers will address the themes of Mormonism, Transhumanism and Transfigurism, with particular attention to topics at the intersection of technology, spirituality, science and religion. Previous conferences sponsored by the Mormon Transhumanist Association include the 2012 conference of the Mormon Transhumanist Association, the 2010 Transhumanism and Spirituality conference, and the 2009 Mormonism and Engineering conference. Keynote speakers will be Aubrey de Grey and Richard Bushman. Special guests Carl Teichrib and Peter Wicks will offer critiques of religious Transhumanism. Other speakers will include association members and leadership. The conference is open to the public. Register now!
MORNING SESSION 9:00am-12:36pm (Conducting: Lincoln Cannon, President)
9:00am SEATING
9:15am WELCOME Lincoln Cannon, President
9:32am MUSIC
9:36am Brent Allsop, “MTA Member Survey 2012 Summary”
9:53am Jason Xu, “Eternal Life Fan Club, A Self-fulfilling Prophecy Community”
10:10am Gabriel Rothblatt, “Terasem Movement Transreligion, A Secular Approach to Religious Transhumanism”
10:27am Leonard Reil, “The Reluctant Transhumanist; or, There is no Magic Wand”
10:44am Don Bradley, “Joseph Smith and the Technologies of Seership”
11:01am Donnie Bradley, “As Exact as Mathematicks: The Formal Potential of Religious Thought”
11:18am Carl Youngblood, “Demythologizing Mormonism”
11:35am Joseph West, “Authentic Mormonism and Resource Mobilization”
11:52am KEYNOTE Aubrey de Grey, “Why it is a sin NOT to strive to develop medicine that eliminates aging”
12:34pm BUSINESS Lincoln Cannon, President
LUNCH 12:36pm-1:06pm
AFTERNOON SESSION 1:06pm-5:45pm (Conducting: Chris Bradford, Vice President)
1:06pm SEATING
1:12pm MUSIC
1:16pm Chris Bradford, Vice President
1:33pm SPECIAL Carl Teichrib, “A Christian Critique of Christian Transhumanism”
1:50pm Noah Heninger, “What is Wrong with Technology?”
2:07pm Jessica Finnigan, “Technology in the Developing World”
2:24pm Brad Carmack, “LDS Transsexual Policy: a Critique”
2:41pm John Niman, “The Free Exercise Clause and Genetic Engineering Regulation”
2:58pm Marcus Flinders, “The Legal Rights of Sentient Machines”
3:15pm SPECIAL Peter Wicks, “An Atheist Transhumanist Critique of Religious Transhumanism”
3:32pm James Carroll, “The Evolution of God, an Analysis of what the Theory of Evolution has to Say about the Potential Existence and Nature of God”
3:49pm Giulio Prisco, “The Computational Problem of Evil”
4:06pm Mike Perry, “Parallel Recreation as an Alternative to Quantum Archaeology in Resurrecting the Dead”
4:23pm Jared Anderson, “(De)Construction down the Rabbit Hole”
4:40pm Micah Redding, “A Better Apocalypse: Ancient Eschatology for a Transhuman World”
4:57pm KEYNOTE Richard Bushman, “From Humanity to Fulness the Mormon Way”
5:39pm MUSIC
5:43pm FAREWELL Chris Bradford, Vice President
DINNER 7:00pm-9:00pm