January 2010 Humanity+ Board Elections
Humanity+ Board members set policy goals and oversee their implementation, contributing with their experience and expertise to the WTA's work.
Five Humanity+ Board members' terms expire in January, and one additional member is stepping down. So there will be six seats open in January.
Its time to think about whether you want to run for the Board. Running for a board post, as well as voting in the election, is open to all dues-paying ("supporting" or "sustaining") members of the association.
All voting members in good standing as of Monday January 11th, 2010 are eligible to run in and vote in the Board election. Board members must be and remain voting members in good standing in order to run and serve. Please contact Assistant Director Marcelo Rinesi <[[email protected]]> to determine if you will be a voting member in good standing through Monday January 11, 2010.
The Board meets and votes virtually 24/7/365, so no travel is required, although daily Internet access is essential.
The term of service is two years, for these five open positions Jan 18, 2010 - Jan 15, 2012.
The period for self-nominations closes Saturday January 9th at noon EST. Voting will be conducted Monday January 11th to Thursday January 14th.
Please send your candidate statements to Humanity+ Secretary J. Hughes at [[email protected]].
Previous examples of candidate statements are here: