h+ Magazine on a Newsstand Near You


Hi Fellow Transhumanists,

I just wanted to let you know that the Fall issue of h+ Magazine is appearing on newsstands now. Its official release date is the 28th, but I was just at a Barnes & Noble in Palisades, NY and Paramus, NJ and they had it out already! All 720 Barnes & Noble stores, as well as many Borders, Books-A-Million and about 550 college bookstores will carry it.

It's crucial that the few copies which each store is carrying sells out so that they agree to carry this permanently. Please buy one if you can, and Tweet your friends to buy them in obscure locations too!

Thanks so much for helping us spread the word and carrying the h+ meme into homes and dorms around the country! If we do well in the U.S., we should be able to get a foreign distributor to carry us in Europe too.

Best regards,


James Clement Publisher, h+ Magazine