Mormons on Science and Technology


The Mormon Transhumanist Association seeks to promote awareness, particularly among Mormons, of opportunities and risks associated with advances in science and technology. To that end, the association has begun to aggregate blogs that cover both Mormonism and science or technology. You can view the aggregation here [Jan 2009]:


Here is a list of the blogs that are currently being aggregated:

Joel Dehlin - The CTO of the LDS Church shares perspectives on leading the technological efforts of the church.

LDS Science Review -- Jared*, a regular contributor to the community of Mormon blog sites known as the Bloggernacle, discusses the relation between the LDS Church and diverse scientific topics.

LDSTech Site -- The technology department of the LDS Church provides updates on their latest work.

More Good Foundation -- This Mormon non-profit organization encourages Mormons to leverage technology, particularly the Internet, to share the Gospel of Christ.

Mormons and Evolution -- Three Mormon scholars present their thoughts on the reconciliation of Mormonism and evolution.

Convergence of Science and Religion -- Allen Leigh, author of "One Mormon's View of the Science-Religion Debate", writes about parallels between Mormonism and modern scientific understanding. [Jan 2009: Allen's site is now aggregated with Mormon Transhumanist Association blogs.]

If you would like to recommend other Mormon blogs that focus on science or technology, please contact us as a[[email protected]].