Mormon Transhumanist Association to Present in Second Life
Sunday, April 29, 2007 - 10am PST/1pm EST/6pm UK
Uvvy Island, Second Life
James Hughes will present his paper "The Compatibility of Religious and Transhumanist Views of Metaphysics, Suffering, Virtue and Transcendence in an Enhanced Future" (PDF).
Extropia DaSilva, a "transhumanist avatar" who writes some of the best mind expanding stuff about first and second life, the universe and everything, will give a talk in text.
William Sims Bainbridge will speak on the future of religion.
Giulio Prisco will summarize his article/book precis "Engineering Transcendence".
Lincoln Cannon will speak on behalf of the Mormon Transhumanist Association.
This will be one of the last Uvvy Island events using text chat as the main conversation mode. One or two of the speakers will use relatime video and voice. Participants will ask questions by text chat, and speakers will answer by text, voice or video.