Cyborg Buddha Project


The IEET has launched the Cyborg Buddha Project. Here is a description of the project from their site:

“A confluence of factors makes this the perfect time to ask questions about how neurotechnologies that influence behavior, moral cognition]
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
“Devices are being tested to measure empathy and vulnerability to temptation. Resistance is growing internationally to the disastrous policies of “warring" on psychoactive drugs, and in the process on cognitive liberty itself. <a href="" target="_blank">Neurophilosophers</a> are arguing for a thorough grounding of philosophy in neurology and evolutionary psychology. People of faith are increasingly entering into <a href="" target="_blank">dialogue</a> with human enhancement advocates about the theological significance of the transhumanist project.
“So the IEET will be launching the <a href="" target="_blank">Cyborg Buddha Project</a> to combine our efforts and promote discussion of the impact that neuroscience and emerging neurotechnologies will have on happiness, spirituality, cognitive liberty, moral behavior and the exploration of meditational and ecstatic states of mind. This project will be under the direction of IEET Executive Director James Hughes, and IEET Board of Directors members Michael LaTorra and George Dvorsky.”

The site also points out that the three directors of the project have various ties to Buddhism. James Hughes was a Buddhist monk, Mike LaTorra is a Zen priest, and George Dvorsky is a practicing Buddhist.